Protocol Stacks
Protocol Stack
CANopen Bootloader

The CANopen Bootloader protocol stack provides the complete functionality for integration of a bootloader according to the CANopen standard in your existing devices. Versatile configuration options facilitate individual customization to a target product. The Bootloader was implemented to meet low storage requirements.
The CANopen Bootloader stack comprises a reduced object dictionary and supports NMT, SDO (Expedited/Segmented/Block), Emergency, Heartbeat as well as LSS services. Up to four separate sections for storage of programmes and data may be defined. The CANopen Download Tool is used to update programmes and data of the target hardware.
A defined API facilitates adjustment to a flash memory of the target hardware. Flash drivers for various controllers (e.g. STM32 series) are part of the CANpie driver.
- Complies with CANopen specification CiA 301 and CiA 302
- Modular software structure with versatile configuration options
- Optimized to low resource requirements (Flash / RAM)
- Broad range of supported CAN controllers (CANpie)
- Defined API for access to flash memory
Scope of Delivery
The CANopen Bootloader protocol stack is provided as C99 source code by download link.
Documentation in English is available at Github.
The scope of delivery also includes:
- Ready-to-run examples for various demo boards
- Site-related company licence without any additional runtime costs
- 12 months technical support by email or telephone
Fair Partnership policy offers company licence and free support service
To complement the Microcontrol product portfolio, we also offer CANopen workshops, software tools as well as technical advice and support in the development of your CANopen device.
Ordering Information
Protocol stack in C source code, example programmes, documentation in English, provided by download link
API for the CAN implementation for the respective microcontroller
EDS file
CANopen Bootloader
EDS [7 KB]
Application Note 1211
CANopen Bootloader Integration
PDF [523 KB]
MicroControl Flyer Protocol Stacks
PDF [715 KB]
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